“A Modest Proposal” by both Dr. Jonathan Swift and Daniel L.

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I have read both of these versions of “A Modest Proposal” one written by Dr. Jonathan Swift and the other written by Daniel L. Both of these proposals are addressing the problems these men face in their society.

In Daniel L’s version, he discusses America and the major problem we face in the present day, with illegal immagrants. Reading this I can’t help but agree with some key factors he mentions, but at the same time it isn’t easy to forget about the fact that everyone has a life. America is about freedom, and most people come here to gain it because where ever they were, wasn’t doing them justice. However, Daniel L makes great points such as, giving the idea to make America take over Mexico’s land. This way none of the citizens would want to leave to come here, and they can take away the border which will free up many of our soldiers to address other issues we face in our county. He also makes the point that Mexico has many resources that have not been touched, that can help us get out of many economic problems we are facing today. They have gold, silver, lots of forests with trees that can be used for lumber, and the most important is  many Americans can get there jobs back that were taken by minimum wage illegal Mexican immagrants.

Dr. Jonathan Swift’s ” A Modest Proposal”,was also addressing the problems in society, but was much harder to relate. The proposal was from 1792, and was about Ireland. He proposes the idea that instead of children being a burden on their poor parents, they should be fattened up and fed to the richer people. After reading this, it kind of blew my mind that at one point people would think to do this. In todays society, if someone came up with this idea it would be frowned upon. He makes the point that most children aren’t fed or clothed, but that necessarily doesn’t mean we should eliminate the problem by killing them.

I enjoyed reading Daniel L’s version much more than Dr. Jonathan Swift’s version.

“I Have a Dream” and “Imagine”

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Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a speech called “I Have a Dream” and although this isnt my first time coming across this speech, it is the first time I read the whole thing through. The second piece which is a poem called “Imagine”, written by John Lennon is less familure to me.

After reading these two pieces it makes sense that we were given them both to read at the same time. They both touch on a lot of factors in life, and eventhough these were written years ago, it still can relate to our society today. It’s sad to know that these two men wrote these pieces, to make awareness of what went on, and it still hasn’t changed fully. This makes me realize that in the world that we live in today, not everyone will be able to get along like we wish they could. Everyone lives to grow up differently, and live different lives, but it doesnt necessarily mean there has to be tension, and hatred throughout one another. I also wish, like these two men that one day everyone will be able to get along, and except eachother for who they are, not for the color of their skin or the way they dress. The way I was brought up, was to give everyone a chance, unless they give you a reason not to. Life is to important to hold grudges, and certain feelings towards people. So you should live it for every moment, and  that includes meeting new people.

“Modern Love”

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After reading this short story, it made me think about how many germs surround us on a daily basis. I strongly believe that we should be as sanitary as possible, but you can’t allow yourself to be crazy over the things that are around us. If you lived your life worrying about what you touch, and what it is, you can go insane. For some people this could be a serious problem, and always having it on their mind. As you can see from this story, Breda has a hard time dealing with whats around her. She knows a lot about different diseases and as much as she seems crazy. She brings knowledge into her relationship, trying to make him more aware of his surroundings. Every date they went on, was some how brought back to the subject of germs, and diseases. I think this is a love story about how far one will go for the other. In the end Breda allowed her obsession to get in the way of her relationship. She had such a big fear of diseases, and germs, that she let someone go who was willing to go the extra mile for her. It’s sad to know that he wanted to be in a relationship with Breda, and was open to trying new things, such as the body suit, and going to Breda’s doctor. It makes me wonder about my own life. The struggles I will go through, and how insane somethings will make me. I wonder how I will over come what new diseases will be discovered, and what precautions I will take to avoid them.

“Love is a Fallacy” by Max Shulman

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This short story is about two roommates, who need each other. One favors materialistic objects, and wishes he had a raccoon coat, and the other favors looks, and beauty, and wishes he had a certain girl to go steady with. The main character studying at a law school, cant help but think about who his wife will be one day, hoping it will be Polly Espy. Polly Espy is well known by his roommate, and after bribing him with the raccoon coat he asked to take Polly on a date. Polly doesn’t have that much intelligence so he makes it his mission to teach her a few lessons. After going on five dates, and asking her to go steady with him, Polly denies him by using all the knowledge he had taught her. At first he laughed at it, until she mentioned that the reason why they couldn’t go steady was, because she promised his roommate Petey, she would with him.  The story ends by him asking Polly to explain why she should go steady with Petey, and her reply was, “He’s got a raccoon coat.” Since the story did ended on this note. We can’t help but to make our own conclusion.

I believe after this, he was feeling hurt, and betrayed by his roommate. He had made Petey a deal, and that deal was to exchange the raccoon coat , for Polly. In the end Petey ended up winning, because he got both Polly, and the raccoon coat. Although it wasn’t a competition between them, Petey betrayed him, by not following through with their deal. This story teaches us the lesson about materialistic objects, and true friendship. It shows that some people would risk certain things in their life, for an object.