Becky Tobin

Professor Pope

English 101

April 9, 2012  

            The short story “Modern Love”, written by T.C. Boyle tells an interesting story which most people can relate to. A man takes a woman named Breda out on a date, which eventually leads to many more. He starts to have feelings for her, but the more he gets to know her the more he finds out he realizes that, she is a germaphobe.  She hates a lot of places, because they disturb her. On one date to the ice cream parlor, Breda brings up the different places. She starts off by saying, “ I can’t tell you what a strain it was for me the other night,” and then continues, “I mean Thai food, the seats in the movie theatre, the ladies room…”(Boyle 1). The man is confused, doesn’t understand what went wrong, but gives Breda time to explain. She goes on about the different diseases one can catch, and germs one can pick up. The man never had thought about it, but she made him more aware. Not wanting her germaphobia to get in the way, he slowly makes sacrifices for her.

            The man isn’t too worried about his surroundings; he is willing to follow her wishes. As the story goes on, and they have more dates, the connection they have becomes clearer. The man starts getting used to her and her craziness. When they get to the point of taking it to the next level, she tells him that he needs to wear a full body condom from Sweden to protect them from diseases, and he agrees to wear it. Weeks go by, and Breda tells him, “I want you to meet Michael. Michael Maloney.”(Boyle 6) The man replies, “Sure. Who’s he?” Breda replies, “My doctor.”(Boyle 6). The man, still willing to do everything for their relationship, follows through. But little did he know what he was getting himself into. He gets to the doctor’s office, and is given every possible test. Weeks progress and the man seems happier than ever. They spend day after day together, and he slowly forgets about his visit to the doctors, until Breda reminds him.

            Even though he had done everything for Breda, it didn’t matter in the end. He hadn’t heard from her in days, and he would call her day after day. She wouldn’t call him back or even pick the phone up. So he decides to call her cousin, and after preparing a speech, Breda ends up answering after all. Breda tells him that they can’t see each other anymore because he has athlete’s foot. The man is crushed he went so far for her, and in the end, it didn’t matter.

            This story gives the message that even as far as one goes, it may never be enough for that other person. It also proves the more aware one is of their surroundings the more one may get grossed out. Sometimes it’s better to just live their life instead of listening to what’s around you. 









Work Cited

Boyle,T.C.(1998).“Modern Love”. The Collected Stories of T.Coraghessan Boyle Viking. (1-9).