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The perception of violence has changed over the years. In the past there was always violence, but you didn’t hear about it as much.  Personally I would rather not see what goes on in today’s society.  The amount of violence can corrupt a person’s mind.  Causing them to fear for their life. Even in the simple every day activities they like to take place in. Violence in the media can be shown in many different ways. People are killed everyday, and reported on the news, and the average reality T.V. show usually has some type of violence, whether or not it is physical or mental.  Violence has become second nature to children. When they see it on the television, play it on video games, and watch it in their household, they cant help but to assume that is how life truly is.

Even though, there will always be violence in the world, no matter how much there is. The amount of violence in the media, can be monitored, by many different people to limit it from children. Parents should be aware of what their children watch, while they are at home. They also shouldn’t be allowing them to play video games that aren’t appropriate for their age. When I think of violence in the media, it’s hard to imagine it without it. The sad part is that we will never be able to escape the violence that goes on. But maybe one day we will be able to help get rid of some violence that is in the media.

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