Research Journals

“Teaching Our Kids to Shoot ‘Em up”

Written by, Tina Sergio

I picked my topic, based on an essay I read from a book called At a Glance. In the essay the author talks about the different ways children are exposed to violence in the media. They also discuss that parents should be monitoring what their children are seeing. Video games are commonly found with violence in them. As much as it is the parents fault their children are being allowed to play such horrific games. The blame however shouldn’t be put only on the parents, yet the video game producers. Gaming companies shouldn’t be allowed to manufacture, and produce such games. It discusses that children are being exposed to violence, and death. They associate death with being temporary. Although in video games you may die on a level, and receive more lives as you advance in the game. Death is something we experience as we grow older. Study’s show that violence in the media can teach children to have aggressive attitudes and behaviors. In the essay it states that, A majority of that children average 35 hours per week watching television and playing video game., and when children are watching television. They are watching cartoons which tend to have more violence then adult shows, such as cops. Lastly, it states that parent should stop using television and video games as their babysitter. They should spend more time, with their children.

Brandon, Lee E. “Teaching Our Kids to Shoot ’em up.” At a Glance: Essays. Boston, MA:

Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Print.

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