February 11, 2012

When I was growing up I was scared of the dark, I never liked to be alone upstairs while I was supposed to be in bed. I even needed a night light. Now I can only go to sleep if the room is completly dark. I’m mostly scared of spiders, sharks, clowns and Glass dolls.

 I’ve always liked watching scary movies even as a child. I like the feeling of being scared, and not knowing what is going to happen next. Some of the scary movies that I can remember watching when I was younger are The Shining, and It. I can remember the day I saw both of these movies like it was yesterday. When I was about six years old my dad took me, my sister and my brother to Florida. We met up with my cousins who live there, and on the way to Disney World they played the movie It. This is when my fear for clowns first developed. I hated taking showers after that, because I was scared a clown would get me through the drain.

 The first time I saw the movie The Shining I was about ten years old, and was at my older cousins house. They were in the middle of moving to their new house, so their livingroom consisted of just a tv, and a blanket on the floor. Me, my uncle and my cousin sat on the blanket, and watched the movie with fear. I’m not sure what scared me the most about the film, whether it was the crazy dad, or the empty hotel. I’ve watched the movie recently, and still get a little disturbed, but not as much as I did when I was a child.

I think that Stephen King says “we’re all mentally ill” and then later says “sanity becomes a matter of degree” because he is trying to make the point that everyone is insane to a different degree. Some people may view others insanity, differently then someone else’s perception. But everyone has their own level of insanity, and some people show it more than others. I think that King feels strongly about his opinion of everyone else’s insanity.

One reason King believes that we watch horror movies is because when a person watches other peoples insanity it makes us feel more secure with our own insanity, making us feel sane.